Public Engagement
Read more about me at University of Denver:
Recent Appearances and Blog Posts
Security in the Global Marketplace, for Global Governance Futures with Tom Pogram.
Planetary Politics, New America policy brief, "Escaping the Dirty Side of Clean Energy?"
Planetary Politics, New America policy brief, "The Difference "Difference" Makes for American National Security."
Planetary Politics, New America blog post, "Race Ethnicity and American Views on the Use of Force Abroad."
Planetary Politics, New America blog post, "Race, Ethnicity, and American Views of Climate Change."
Planetary Politics, New America blog post, "Race, Ethnicity and American Views of Immigration and Diversity."
Planetary Politics, New America policy brief, "Democracy in the Digital Wild."
Spoke with Alana Semuels for this story on the privatization of police.
Planetary Politics, New America blog post, "Can Capitalism Meet the Climate Challenge?"
Josef Korbel School, “Faculty Friday: Security, Prosperity, and Social Justice,” recording here.
Spoke with Allesandro Arduino and Ameem Lutfi about the future of private security for the National University of Singapore’s “Boots on the Ground: Security in Transition in the Middle East and Beyond” podcast. You can listen to the full episode, “The Future of Private Military” here.
The Sié Center turns 10 this academic year! Check out this great article looking back at 10 years of research and impact.
Quoted in U.S. News and World Report in the article “The Long Reaching Human Toll of Sept. 11 by the Numbers.”
Appeared with Naazneen Barma, Andrea Stanton, and Sié Fellow Alum Kyleanne Hunter, David Goldfischer and Dean Fritz Mayer for a conversation on “Making Sense of Afghanistan.” You can watch the recording of the event here.

Recent Appearances and Blog Posts
Planetary Politics, New America policy brief, "Escaping the Dirty Side of Clean Energy?"
Planetary Politics, New America policy brief, "The Difference "Difference" Makes for American National Security."
Planetary Politics, New America blog post, "Race Ethnicity and American Views on the Use of Force Abroad."
Planetary Politics, New America blog post, "Race, Ethnicity, and American Views of Climate Change."
Planetary Politics, New America blog post, "Race, Ethnicity and American Views of Immigration and Diversity."
Planetary Politics, New America policy brief, "Democracy in the Digital Wild."
Spoke with Alana Semuels for this story on the privatization of police.
Planetary Politics, New America blog post, "Can Capitalism Meet the Climate Challenge?"
Josef Korbel School, “Faculty Friday: Security, Prosperity, and Social Justice,” recording here.
Spoke with Allesandro Arduino and Ameem Lutfi about the future of private security for the National University of Singapore’s “Boots on the Ground: Security in Transition in the Middle East and Beyond” podcast. You can listen to the full episode, “The Future of Private Military” here.
The Sié Center turns 10 this academic year! Check out this great article looking back at 10 years of research and impact.
Quoted in U.S. News and World Report in the article “The Long Reaching Human Toll of Sept. 11 by the Numbers.”
Appeared with Naazneen Barma, Andrea Stanton, and Sié Fellow Alum Kyleanne Hunter, David Goldfischer and Dean Fritz Mayer for a conversation on “Making Sense of Afghanistan.” You can watch the recording of the event here.

A Florida Security Company is entangled in the assassination of Haiti’s President. How is that possible. Monkey Cage.
(with Christopher Mayer). Could Outrage over Blackwater Prompt Congress to Act? Inkstick.

(with Kara Kingma Neu). Military Dissent Could Curb Democratic backsliding in the US. Political Violence at a Glance.
If the U.S. withdraws from Afghanistan, will its military contractors stay? That’s not clear. Monkey Cage.

“The Mueller Report and Global Contentious Politics,” Political Violence @ a Glance.
“How Mehdi Hasan Caught Prince in a Lie but left some important questions about the private security industry unasked and unanswered,” Al Jazeera.
“What can we learn from looking at Private Security across time and space” Political Violence @ a Glance:

“Who Will Manage the Trade Off Between Rights and Security on the Internet? Political Violence @ a Glance:
“Privatizing the War in Afghanistan Seemed Like a Bad Idea. Now its Even Worse. Monkey Cage:
“Cross-fertilization and Research on the ‘Welfare Non-State’” Political Violence @ a Glance:
“Is the Liberal Order in Crisis?” Political Violence @ a Glance:
“Why #metoo could be good for men too”. Political Violence @ a Glance:

Policy Forum on the Gender Gap in Political Science. H-Diplo International Security Studies Forum. September.
“If the U.S. Steps Back, Can Innovative Global Governance Step Forward? Council on Foreign Relations:
Innovations in Global Governance. Council on Foreign Relations Report. September.
“Private Military Contractors Aren’t Going to Do a Better Job in Afghanistan. Here’s Why. Monkey Cage.
“Do Realists Need to Check their Idealism? Political Violence @ A Glance:
“Where is the Global Left Wing?” Political Violence@aGlance

“Private Security for the President. What Could Go Wrong?” Political Violence@aGlance
Creative Multilateralism: Workshop Report, (with Laura Hosman, Kara Kingma, and Jason Pielemeier)
“A Pragmatic Response” ISQ Blog
“Using IR Theory for Policy Prediction.” Political Violence@aGlance:
“Stop Calling Trump a Fascist.” Political Violence@aGlance:
“People (including me) used to think that the private military industry couldn’t govern itself. We were wrong.” The Monkey Cage, The Washington Post,